
ОписаниеThis product will be discontinued with a last order date of January 31, 2011. It will be replaced by E6702D.Industry leading cdma2000® one box network emulator for mobile data analysis and handset testThe Keysight E6702C lab application software runs on the industry standard 8960 (E5515C) wireless communications test set providing network emulation and mobile device design, integration, and validation test tools designed specifically for the needs of wireless developers. This test solution offers the packet-switched data, the most 3GPP2 standards-compliant RF measurements, real-time protocol logging, optional digital baseband fading, and useful analysis tools.Ensure mobile designs, applications, and services meet your customers&rsquo, expectations
  • Automate real-world &ldquo,user experience&rdquo, conditions similar to a real network with the N5971A Interactive Functional Test Software
  • Data throughput packet data performance testing
  • Learn more about application testing, such as A-GPS functional testing, battery drain analysis, fixed mobile convergence, simulating real-world fading, and high-speed data throughput testing. Application Testing with the 8960
  • Mobile IP testing
  • Hybrid Mode testing with the E6706C
  • Soft and softer handoffs
  • PESQ Measurement provides an objective MOS score for vocoder voice quality using the industry standard PESQ algorithm. Requires additional license E1999A-301
  • New Band Class 2, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17 support (requires a current Annual Contract subscription – E6720A-002)
Verify designs meet RF specifications as specified by 3GPP2
  • Flexible and fast cdma2000 RF Measurements
  • RF measurement support for Radio Configurations 1-5 and latest commercialized band classes
Stay current! Get early access to the latest lab application features with the E6720A Annual Contract. The annual contract provides a permanent license for any lab application releases occurring within the term of the contract as well as automatic notification when new subscription releases are available. Subscription releases provide early access to new features and are only available to E6720A Lab Application Annual Contract owners.8960 - the one box test set to meet all of your mobile testing needs from early design through conformance, manufacturing, and repairThe 8960 is the only cellular network emulator that has the power and performance needed for testing at all phases of a mobile device lifecycle - used in early design, integration, validation, conformance test, manufacturing and repair across all major cellular formats -- bringing you the benefits of engineering communications efficiency, asset management and simplified test equipment support - improving your testing efficiency.cdma2000 is a registered certification mark of the Telecommunications Industry Association. Used under license.''