
User-friendly EMI test software under Windows
Key Facts
  • EMI Software R&S ESxS-K1 combines the main requirements of EMI measurement to civil standards in one easy-to-use application including: measurement setup and storage, scan data capture and display with automatic data reduction, peak search with acceptance margin and selection of subranges or number of peaks, final measurement with worst case selection, report generation and storage of measured data. R&S ESxS-K1 works with all R&S ESS, R&S ESHS, R&S ESVS, R&S ESVB/D and R&S ESCS30 Test Receivers
  • Main features
    • Full on-screen setup entry and storage to disk, including limit lines and transducer factors
    • Colour graphic display of scan data, with automatic data reduction
    • Marker function, including Marker to Peak and Tune Receiver to Marker Frequency Function
    • Automatic Peak Search with user-definable acceptance margin and number of subranges or max. peak values
    • Peak List Edit function for automatic, semi-automatic or manual measurements
    • Find Worst Case function: to find max hold level
    • Zoom function: expands frequency axis to display a part of the scan in greater detail
    • Report generation compatible with ESxS receiver family using any printer or plotter supported by Windows
    • Report data export to other applications (WinWord, Excel, DDE)

General Information
  • General Information R&S ESxS-K1 is especially designed to provide users of all R&S ESS, R&S ESHS, R&S ESVS, R&S ESVB/D and R&S ESCS30 test receivers with a cost-effective Windows based remote control display and storage solution. All the benefits of Windows are available including keyboard and mouse operation, full colour display, report printout on any printer supported by Windows, and dynamic data exchange (DDE). An online help explains all software functions so that a user manual is not required.
  • Hardware requirements
    • IBM-compatible PC with Windows95, 98, ME, NT4.0, 2000 and XP
    • Requires for receiver control an IEC/IEEE bus interface card from National Instruments.
    • Administrator rights for installation (Win NT, 2000, XP)